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논문 국내 국내전문학술지(KCI급) The Washback Effect of the EBB Rating Scale in Writing Courses

  • 학술지 구분 국내전문학술지(KCI급)
  • 게재년월 2018
  • 저자명 Lee, Y.-J.
  • 학술지명 Secondary English Education
  • 발행처명 Secondary English Education
  • 발행국가 국내
  • 논문언어 한국어

논문 초록 (Abstract)

This study investigated the washback effect of the EBB rating scale in writing classes. Specifically, this study explored college students’ perceptions of the EBB rating scale, in comparison with the holistic rating scale. The participants were college students taking the academic writing course and they completed the survey right after evaluating their essays using the holistics rating scale as well as the EBB rating scale. The survey results showed that a majority of students perceived the EBB rating scale useful in checking out the mastery of overall lesson objectives. It was also found that students had different perceptions of usefulness of the EBB rating scale according to different background information such as TOEIC scores and self-assessment of English proficiency. Students with TOEIC scores below 500 thought that using the EBB rating scale made them grasp the overall lesson objectives. Also, students who self-assessed their English proficiency low perceived that the EBB rating scale was useful in diagnosing their own writing weaknesses and comprehending criterial questions. The findings can provide practical implications of the EBB rating scale for writing courses, which also can serve as a valuable reference for course planners in similar contexts.