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이영주 교수 사진
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  • 홈페이지 https://lab.hanbat.ac.kr/profyoungjulee
  • 전화번호 042-821-1319
  • 이메일 yjulee@hanbat.ac.kr


  • PhD PhD in English Education & Assessment, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

    Dissertation title: “Construct Validation of an Integrated, Process-Oriented, and Computerized English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Placement Test: A Mixed-Methods Approach”

    Dissertation director: Fred Davidson
  • MA MA in Applied Linguistics and TESL, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA)

    Thesis title: “A Comparison of Composing Processes and Written Products in Timed-Essay Tests across Paper-and-Pencil and Computer Modes”

    Thesis director: Lyle Bachman
  • MA MA in Linguistics (an emphasis on Phonology), Korea University, Seoul, Korea

    Thesis title: “Optimality Theory and Syllabification in English”

    Thesis director: Yong-Jae Lee


Associate Research Scientist, Division of Educational Evaluation, Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation
• Developed items for the English section of the College Scholastic Ability Tests (CSAT), the nationwide university entrance exam
• Developed items for the English section of the National Assessment of Educational Achievement (NAEA), the nationwide achievement tests for 6th, 9th, and 11th graders
• Conduct validation studies for the English section of the CSAT and NAEA

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Language Assessment Research (CLARe), Roehampton University, UK
• Developed items for the International Language Assessment (ILA) Grammar and Vocabulary Sections, British Council
• Revised test specifications for the ILA Grammar and Vocabulary Sections, British Council