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콘텐츠 본문

논문 국내 국내전문학술지(KCI급) The Relationship between Lexical Sophistication Features and English Proficiency for Korean College Students using TAALES Program

  • 학술지 구분 국내전문학술지(KCI급)
  • 게재년월 2021
  • 저자명 Lee, Y.-J.
  • 학술지명 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
  • 발행처명 The International Promotion Agency of Culture Technology
  • 발행국가 국내
  • 논문언어 한국어

논문 초록 (Abstract)

This study investigates the relationship between lexical sophistication features and English proficiency for Korean college students. Essays from the ICNALE(International Corpus Network of Asian Learners of English) corpus were analyzed, using TAALES program. In order to examine whether or not there are statistically significant differences in lexical sophistication features across three groups, MANOVA was conducted. Results showed that the lexical sophistication features were significantly affected by English proficiency level. Essays written by Korean students with different English proficiency levels can be differentiated in terms of various lexical sophistication features including content words frequency, content words familiarity, lexical decision mean reaction time function words, hypernymy verbs, word naming response time function words, age of acquisition content words.