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논문 해외 국제일반학술지 Prioritizing method of same due-date work orders for small- and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises(SMEs)

  • 학술지 구분 국제일반학술지
  • 게재년월 2019-02
  • 저자명 Jae-yong Lee and Moonsoo Shin*
  • 학술지명 Asia Life Sciences Supplement
  • 발행국가 해외
  • 논문언어 외국어
  • 전체저자수 2

논문 초록 (Abstract)

Today, most small- and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) that are based on order-making methods have difficulty in making production plans because of the increased requirements of customers and shortening of the product life cycle. If a manufacturer sticks to a pre-defined production schedule in such a highly dynamic environment, the profitability of the company may deteriorate due to low productivity. However, in small companies lacking manpower or financing power, it is very difficult to establish a reasonable production scheduling for satisfying dynamically changing customer’s orders. In this paper, we proposed a prioritizing method of work orders with same due-date, considering the delivery delay cost, inventory management cost, set-up time and reliability of delivery to the customer. The proposed method applies the technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS ) to multi-attribute decision-making, based on the experiential knowledge of production managers. The performance thereof is verified using a simulation study that employed an advanced planning and scheduling (APS) system as a test-bed. The result shows that the proposed methodology reduces the make-span compared with conventional dispatching rules such as the shortest processing time (SPT) and the longest processing time (LPT) rules.