콘텐츠 본문
논문 해외 국제전문학술지(SCI급) A goal-oriented trust model for virtual organization creation
- 학술지 구분 국제전문학술지(SCI급)
- 게재년월 2011-06
- 저자명 Jungtae Mun, Moonsoo Shin, and Mooyoung Jung*
- 학술지명 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
- 발행국가 해외
- 논문언어 외국어
- 전체저자수 3
논문 초록 (Abstract)
Virtual organization (VO) is a main organizational paradigm for enterprises to collaborate in the rapidly changing environment. Advances in information and communication technologies are accelerating collaboration among enterprises in different domains as well as unknown enterprises. In this environment, an enterprise faces more chances to cooperate with other enterprises through the internet. Trust is a key concept in many kinds of interactions, allowing an enterprise to act under uncertainty and with the risk of negative consequences. To minimize the operating risk and guarantee the success of a VO, trust evaluation of potential partners should be considered during the partner selection process. However, trust evaluation methods in the literature have limitations in applying them to small and medium enterprises because they are based on evaluation of human experts. In this paper, a goal-oriented trust model is proposed to evaluate the trust values of enterprises. In the context, trust is the probability that a trustee satisfies the goals when it completes assigned tasks. This paper introduces the concept of a goal-oriented trust model with the core constructs of a goal, a project, a task, and a capability. It further addresses an example of applying the proposed model to the partner selection process of a project-based VO creation.