콘텐츠 본문
논문 해외 국제전문학술지(SCI급) Performance comparison between the preferred right and preferred left hands in text entry using Qwerty touch keyboard smartphones
- 학술지 구분 국제전문학술지(SCI급)
- 게재년월 2013-09
- 저자명 Taebeum Ryu*, Jihyoun Lim, Joobong Song, Myung Hwan Yun, and Moonsoo Shin
- 학술지명 International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
- 발행국가 해외
- 논문언어 외국어
- 전체저자수 5
논문 초록 (Abstract)
In one-handed text entry with a smartphone, we investigate whether the use of the preferred hand presents better performance than when the non-preferred hand is used. In particular, we study whether the performance of a skilled left hand is worse than that of a skilled right hand among right-handers. A total of 30 young, male, right-handed undergraduate students participated in the experiment. Half of the participants preferred to use their right hands for the smartphone text entry when only one hand was available, whereas the other half preferred to use their left hands. The participants were instructed to type a text message using a Qwerty touch keyboard with both hands, with right hand only, and left hand only through three different experiments. The text completion time and number of errors were measured, and words per minute and keystrokes per minute were calculated to compare the performance among the text entry tasks. In entering a text message with only one hand, approximately 70% of the 15 participants who preferred to use their right hands and approximately 30% of the other 15 participants who preferred to use their left hands have shown to perform better when using their preferred hand than when using their non-preferred hand. The performance of the participants with a skilled left hand was not worse than that of those with a skilled right hand in smartphone text entry.