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논문 해외 국제전문학술지(SCI급) Agent-based production simulation of TFT-LCD fab driven by material handling requests

  • 학술지 구분 국제전문학술지(SCI급)
  • 게재년월 2014-11
  • 저자명 Moonsoo Shin, Taebeum Ryu, and Kwangyeol Ryu*
  • 학술지명 International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice
  • 발행국가 해외
  • 논문언어 외국어
  • 전체저자수 3
  • 연구분야 공학 > 산업공학

논문 초록 (Abstract)

Thin film transistor-liquidcrystal display (TFT-LCD) fabs are highly capital-intensive. Therefore,to ensure that a fab remains globally competitive, production must take placeat full capacity with high utilization of resources and must employjust-in-time principles that require on-time delivery with minimum work-in-process (WIP).However, limited space and lack of material handling capacity act asconstraints that hamper on-time delivery to process equipment.Therefore, to build an efficient production management system, a material handling model should beincorporated in the system. In this paper, anagent-based production management system is proposed for a TFT-LCD fab. Every manufacturing resource (including process equipment and material handling equipment), as well as WIP, isrepresented as anindividual agent. The agent simulates operational behavior ofassociated equipment or WIP. This paper also proposes a simulation model by usingan event graph-based approach.