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논문 해외 국제전문학술지(SCI급) Evolutionary resource assignment for workload-based production scheduling

  • 학술지 구분 국제전문학술지(SCI급)
  • 게재년월 2016-04
  • 저자명 Ilkyeong Moon, Sanghyup Lee, Moonsoo Shin, and Kwangyeol Ryu*
  • 학술지명 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
  • 발행처명 Springer Science + Business Media
  • 발행국가 해외
  • 논문언어 외국어
  • 전체저자수 4
  • 연구분야 공학 > 산업공학

논문 초록 (Abstract)

In this paper, we propose an evolutionary method with a simulation model for scheduling jobs including operations specified in terms of workload rather than processing time. It is suggested that processing times should be determined according to the number of assigned resources rather than the workload. The simulation model is used to estimate the result of resource allocation in a time horizon based on preselected rules. The evolutionary methods improve a production schedule in terms of compliance with due dates by selecting an alternative resource allocation rule and changing timing constraints. The results of computational experiments show that compliance with due dates improved by as much as 30 % under the modified production schedule over the initial schedule.