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논문 국내 국제전문학술지(SCI급) Preliminary design of a production automation framework for a pyroprocessing facility

  • 학술지 구분 국제전문학술지(SCI급)
  • 게재년월 2018-04
  • 저자명 Moonsoo Shin*, Dongseok Ryu, Jonghui Han, Kiho Kim, and Young-Jun Son
  • 학술지명 Nuclear Engineering and Technology
  • 발행처명 Korean Nuclear Society (한국원자력학회)
  • 발행국가 국내
  • 논문언어 외국어
  • 전체저자수 5
  • 연구분야 공학 > 원자력공학

논문 초록 (Abstract)

Pyroprocessing technology has been regarded as a promising solution for recycling spent fuel in nuclear power plants. The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute has been studying the current status of equipment and facilities for pyroprocessing and found that existing facilities are manually operated; therefore, their applications have been limited to laboratory scale because of low productivity and safety concerns. To extend the pyroprocessing technology to a commercial scale, the facility, including all the processing equipment and the material-handling devices, should be enhanced in view of automation. In an automated pyroprocessing facility, a supervised control system is needed to handle and manage material flow and associated operations. This article provides a preliminary design of the supervising system for pyroprocessing. In particular, a manufacturing execution system intended for an automated pyroprocessing facility, named Pyroprocessing Execution System, is proposed, by which the overall production process is automated via systematic collaboration with a planning system and a control system. Moreover, a simulation-based prototype system is presented to illustrate the operability of the proposed Pyroprocessing Execution System, and a simulation study to demonstrate the interoperability of the material-handling equipment with processing equipment is also provided.