콘텐츠 본문
논문 국내 국내전문학술지(KCI급) 공조시스템 용량과 재가동 시작 시간 설정에 따른 실내 열환경 및 에너지 사용량 평가
- 학술지 구분 국내전문학술지(KCI급)
- 게재년월 2023-03
- 저자명 진산, 이찬욱, 도성록
- 학술지명 대한설비공학회 논문집
- 발행처명 대한설비공학회
- 발행국가 국내
- 논문언어 한국어
- 전체저자수 3
논문 초록 (Abstract)
An office heating system is intermittently operated according to general occupancy patterns. When the heating system is not operated, heating load is accumulated in an indoor space, causing an decrease in an indoor air temperature. Because of this phenomenon, recovery times required when the heating system is restarted. The recovery time is affected by the heating system capacity and restart time. An excessive capacity causes increase in the recovery time and an insufficient capacity causes increase in an installation cost. Also, if the heating system restart time is set late, it may cause an worsening of the indoor thermal environment. Conversely, if the restart time is set early, it may cause unnecessary energy usage. Therefore, determining an optimal capacity and restart time is important, so this study evaluate the recovery time and energy usage according to various heating system capacities and restart times. To achieve this, an energy simulation was implemented using EnergyPlus with varying the heating system capacity and restart time. As a result, the recovery time varied between 46 379min. and daily energy consumption varied between 636.0, 879.7kWh with various heating system capacities. The recovery time varied between 53 118min. and daily energy consumption varied 675.4 869.8kWh with various heating system restart times.