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콘텐츠 본문

논문 국내 국내일반학술지 배터리 운용에 따른 ESS실의 열 환경 및 에너지 영향 평가

연구성과 설명 사진

논문 초록 (Abstract)

ESS (Energy Storage System) stores the generated electricity power and supplies it when it is required. The ESS is attracting attention as a core technology for achieving the smart grid. Accordingly, the demand and importance of ESS are continuously increasing. In addition, the spread of ESS is increasing. However, as the spread of ESS increased, fires are also occurring. To prevent fire, the temperature of the ESS room must be kept stable. To achieve this, a cooling system is installed in the ESS room. However, additional energy consumption may be required contradicting the purpose of ESS operation. Therefore, this study evaluated the ESS thermal environment and energy effect.