콘텐츠 본문
논문 국내 국내전문학술지(KCI급) 아파트 건물에서 재실자 활동량이 고려된 PMV 제어에 따른 연간 국가차원의 1차 에너지 및 온실가스 감축량 분석
- 학술지 구분 국내전문학술지(KCI급)
- 게재년월 2018-10
- 저자명 홍성협, 도성록, 이광호
- 학술지명 대한건축학회 논문집
- 발행처명 대한건축학회
- 발행국가 국내
- 논문언어 한국어
- 전체저자수 3
- 논문 다운로드 링크(외부) http://www.riss.kr/search/detail/DetailView.do?p_mat_type=1a0202e37d52c72d&control_no=750d625b6ba0a5a9c85d2949c297615a
논문 초록 (Abstract)
In this study, the effects of considering hourly metabolic rate variations for predicted mean vote (PMV) control on the heating and cooling energy and greenhouse gas emission were investigated. The case adopting PMV control taking the hourly metabolic rate into account was comparatively analyzed against the conventional dry-bulb air temperature control, using a detailed simulation technique. Under the assumption that all the apartments in Korea adopt the PMV control incorporating real-time metabolic rate measurements, nationwide reductions of primary energy and greenhouse gas emission were analyzed. As a result, PMV control considering hourly metabolic rate variations is expected to reduce national primary energy by 6.2% compared to conventional dry-bulb air temperature control, corresponding to reduction of 10,342 GWh. In addition, it turned out that 6.6% of tCO2 emission can be reduced by adopting PMV control, corresponding to nationwide reduction of greenhouse gas emission by approximately 1,720,000 tCO2.